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Embark on a Voyage of Conservation with the Captain Paul Watson Foundation

Join the Vanguard of Ocean Guardianship


Welcome to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation, where we stand at the helm of marine defense, safeguarding the intricate tapestry of life beneath the waves. Our mission is to continue the indomitable spirit of Captain Paul Watson, the vanguard against illegal poaching and the destruction of marine ecosystems.



The Captain Paul Watson Foundation is a public charity whose purpose is to support, intervene, educate, and raise awareness regarding Ocean conservation.

Welcome to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation, the forefront collective dedicated to preserving and protecting marine life and their habitats. Inspired by Captain Paul Watson's pioneering efforts against illegal poaching and the degradation of marine environments, we are driven to continue this critical work. 

Our approach is comprehensive, focusing on direct action, education, and the power of partnership. By supporting vital research, we provide the insights needed for effective conservation strategies.  We offer resources and tools for educators to inspire the next generation, and we engage with policy-makers to enact laws that defend our seas. 

Your support amplifies our voice and extends our reach. Together, we can turn individual actions into a global movement with a shared vision of vibrant, thriving oceans. Join us as we defend the world's most critical resource - our oceans. 



The mission:

Motivated by passion, guided by courage, and inspired by imagination we have become a force to be reckoned with as we continue to do what Captain Paul Watson has done since 1977 and that is to aggressively and non-violently intervene and to stop illegal activities that exploit and destroy life in the sea.

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